Saturday, 19 January 2013


So, FAR to early to be thinking about this really...but my eldest is turning 5 (I cant believe it) in March...right at the end of March to be specific!

This year, I thought she could have a theme for a birthday party (normally we just have lots of children in the local hall, with party games included). I asked her what theme she wanted...not surprisingly she asked for Rapunzel.

So, searching the web I have found some cute ideas. And, as I am going to try to craft lots of it, I have made several eBay purchases to start on the projects (and keep them hidden somewhere until March!).

First off - the hair. Lovely tutorial from Sew Like My Mum. She claims it wont take too long...we shall see! .

She also made a cute dress for her daughter so I am planning to give that a go too. Rapunzel Dress. Hopefully, that will be the eldest's outfit sorted.

Now onto the decoration. Firstly the cake...something like this  which should be manageable...although something like this would be awesome (pretty sure the cake making skills in our household will NOT stretch this far...
Then I saw some cute bunting - purple flags with the yellow sun on it. I figured I could run some of that up in felt in no time...something like  

Can't forget Pascal - think this idea is so simple and effective - it is from the Disney site.

  Pascal Party BlowersI thought for games we could do pin the tail on the horse (you know, the white horse in the movie...forgotten his name atm!). We can all make crowns and decorate them with little gems. And lanterns...I want to send up lots of lanterns. As we may be camping I thought I may attach string to each one - saves on the law suits when the lanterns land on someone else's tent!

Hubby's sister and her little boy are over from over Australia during the birthday period (perhaps a Flynn costume needs to be in the making too!). I hope the weather is nice and perhaps we can go camping...and all these decorations should be able to travel with us!

Anyone got any other good Rapunzel themed ideas? I would love to hear them if you do. I am wondering if I am going a bit over the top...but then it is a 5 year old girl's birthday party...why not! It should keep me busy if nothing else!

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