Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Pink Strawberry Dress

It is complete! My second attempt of the party dress from issue 41 of Sew Magazine (did I tell you that my orange strawberry dress was featured in August's issue of the magazine?? I am just a teeny bit proud :)).
If you remember, I had issues with the pattern and had an awful lot of adjustments to make with the orange strawberry dress. Well - as I suspected - it was my inaccurate cutting that was the problem and NOT Sew's lovely pattern.
I made this one with sleeves (puffed, very tricky) and I decided to leave out the zip (not sure I do them right anyway) and included a button closure (think it needs more practice!)
 I used my "new sewing machine" to make a decorative stitch along the edge of the button closure bit. A tiny detail that you only notice when you look really closely - but I like it.
 I included the fake placket of buttons - very similar to the orange strawberry dress (it looks wonky in this picture...but I am sure it is not in real life!)
I love the combination of this fabric and this pattern. A "proper" little girl's dress. Like a princess!

With appropriate Princess dancing! Enjoy the summer weather - wherever you are :)

Monday, 8 July 2013

Time wasting

Do you find yourself spending hours online? (please say it isn't just me!) To "help" you here is a list of my favourite sewing blogs - they are super inspiring. These people are so amazing - and many of them off great free tutorials.

I will list them in no particular order;

MADE - written by an amazing woman can Dana, super talented. I love this site - lots of wonderful pictures, bright colours, and well written. Prudent baby - has plenty of free and handy tutorials (I particularly like the baby swaddle blanket). Craftiness is not optional - a lovely mix of sewing, food and tutorials. Sew like my Mom - an wonderful blog, LOADS of tutorial (mainly for little girls...but she has just had a boy so I assume there will be some boy ones in the future!), I don't know how she fits so much in with 4 children under 4! No Big Dill - another big family, not much sewing...but lots of inspiration for the home, family, ideas generally!

Ok, there are more, but I think that is enough! I shall do a Part 2 at some point perhaps.

What do you enjoy looking at on the web? (keep it clean people). I am always looking for some new sewing blog inspiration! I would really like a UK one as most are US and I can't get the same fabrics very easily!

On sewing news - I have sewn together the strawberry dress for my eldest girl (I did make a mistake cutting out the pattern for my 1st one - as mentioned in an earlier post!), it looks super cute. Just got to make some bias binding and I shall post some pictures.